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Research Seminar

Candlemas 2025

The weekly research seminar, to which all staff and students interested in systematic & historical theology are invited, takes place on Wednesdays during term and typically follows this pattern:

11am-12.30pm Theology Seminar in St Mary’s College Hall
12.45pm onwards
Bring-your-own lunch in the Senior Common Room (coffee, tea, and water available)

Seminars will be in person and will not be live-streamed.

If you are not on the Theology Research Seminar list, and would like to receive reminders and texts, please email the seminar leader, Dr Dafydd Daniel, demd1 [at] st-andrews.ac.uk


Week 1 (29 Jan)               JARED MICHELSON (University of St Andrews), A Generous Theology of Christian Classical Theism”

Week 2 (5 Feb)                 MARK ELLIOTT (University of the Highlands and Islands), “The history of biblical interpretation and its challenge to Theological Encyclopedia: the case of the Acts of the Apostles”

Week 3 (12 Feb)             SIMON BURTON (University of Edinburgh), “Ramism, Pietism and Idealism in Cotton Mather and Jonathan Edwards”

Week 4 (19 Feb)             KAREN KILBY (Durham University), “Suffering, impassibility and the Trinity”

Week 5 (26 Feb)          DAVID STUART (University of St Andrews), “The Fundamental Mistake of Fundamentalism”

Vacation                         Vacation – no seminar

Week 6 (12 March)       JASON GEHRKE (Hillsdale College, Michigan), “The labarum and early Christian Apologetic:                                   Constantine’s early Political Theology in its Christian Context”

Week 7 (19 March)       DAFYDD DANIEL (University of St Andrews), “From Calvinist Scotland to Revolutionary America: John Witherspoon’s Ethics and ‘Sir Isaac Newton’s Bulldog’”

Week 8 (26 March)       JESSICA COLLETT (University of St Andrews), “Sickness and Episcopal Identity in Bede and Gregory the Great”

Week 9 (2 April)            WILLIAM HYLAND (University of St Andrews), “Conciliarism and exegesis: The life and thought of the Scottish Cistercian bishop and reformer Thomas Livingston (1390/91-1460)”

Week 10              Independent Learning Week (ILW) – no seminar

Week 11 (16 April)        KATRIN BOSSE (University of St Andrews), “Luther’s Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms – Chance or Challenge for Peacebuilding”

Week 12 (23 April)        JUDITH WOLFE (University of St Andrews), “The Coherence of Hope”

You may view past schedules of research seminars on the seminar archive list.

Contact us

School of Divinity
St Mary's College
St Andrews
KY16 9JU
Fife, Scotland, UK

Phone:+44 (0)1334 462850