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Research Seminar

Martinmas 2024

The weekly research seminar, to which all staff and students interested in systematic & historical theology are invited, takes place on Wednesdays during term and typically follows this pattern:

11.30am-12.45pm Theology Seminar in St Mary’s College Hall

Seminars will be in person and will not be live-streamed.

All are also warmly invited to some college-wide events taking place before and after the seminar:

11-11.20am Morning Prayer in St Mary’s College Hall (open to all who would like to attend)

1-1.45pm Bring-your-own lunch in the Senior Common Room (coffee, tea, and water available)

If you are not on the Theology Research Seminar list, and would like to receive reminders and texts, please email the seminar leader, Dr Stephen Holmes, sh80 [at] st-andrews.ac.uk.

In Martinmas (Semester 1) 2024, the seminar continues its autumn practice of reading through the history of theology. Following our reading of Reformed Scholasticism last year, we are now reading texts by Jonathan Edwards in the context of responses to the Enlightenment. 

Please come prepared, having read the texts for the week in advance if at all possible. Instructions on how to find the texts are on the final page of the pdf schedule

The full programme is as follows (or download the schedule and reading instructions as a pdf):

You may view past schedules of research seminars on the seminar archive list.

Contact us

School of Divinity
St Mary's College
St Andrews
KY16 9JU
Fife, Scotland, UK

Phone:+44 (0)1334 462850