Past Seminars
Martinmas 2024
In Martinmas (Semester 1) 2024, the seminar continued its autumn practice of reading through the history of theology. Following our reading of Reformed Scholasticism the previous year, we read texts by Jonathan Edwards in the context of responses to the Enlightenment.
The full programme was as follows (or download the schedule and reading instructions as a pdf):
Candlemas 2024
In Candlemas 2024, the schedule of talks was as follows:
17 Jan – Dr Oliver Langworthy (St Andrews), ‘The Holy Spirit and Easter in Late Antiquity’
24 Jan – Dr Steve Holmes (St Andrews), ‘What Angels Long to See: Towards a Dogmatic Sketch of Prayer’
31 Jan – Dr Brendan Wolfe (St Andrews), ‘Heresiological category blindness: The Homoian exegesis of Phil. 2’
7 Feb – Prof. Chris Insole (Durham), ‘When It’s Over: Eschatology and Psychology’
14 Feb – Ash Wednesday: no seminar
21 Feb – Prof. Oliver Crisp (St Andrews), ‘Liturgical Realism’
28 Feb – vacation
5 March (change of details) – Dr Jonathan Mumme (Hillsdale), ‘Lutheran Ecclesiology’ (Tuesday, 5 March, 4pm in the Senate Room)
13 March – Prof. Simon Oliver (Durham), ‘The Time of Life in Bergson and Augustine’
20 March – Prof. John Behr (Aberdeen), ‘From Bible to Scripture’
27 March – tbc
3 April – Easter week
Martinmas 2023
In Martinmas 2023, the Theology seminar read important texts of Protestant Scholasticism. The seminar schedule and readings are available below and here.
Wednesday, 13 Sept 2023, 11.00am: Intro: ‘Dry bones tied together with split hairs’? Recovering scholasticism (Paper by Dr Steve Holmes, St Andrews)
20 Sept 2023: An introduction to Lutheran scholasticism
Johann Gerhard, Aphorismi succinct et selecti (Ienae: Tobias Steinmann, 1611), ch.3-4 (sign. A5v-D2v) [The Summe of Christian Doctrine (tr. Winterton) (Cambridge: Roger Daniel, 1640) ch.2-4 (pp.1-39)]
27 Sept 2023: Lutheran Christology
Martinum Chemnicium [sic, Kemnicii], De Duabus Naturis in Christo… (Ienae: Donati Ritzenhaini, 1570) (sign. B1r-E1r) [Martin Chemnitz (tr. J.A.O. Preuss), The Two Natures in Christ (St. Louis: Concordia, 1971) (pp. TBA)]
4 Oct 2023: A scholastic Lutheran account of satisfaction
Johannes Quenstedt, Theologia Didactica-Polemica (Wittebergae: Quenstedius, 1696) Bk III, ch. III., Memb. II, Didactica Theses xxv-xliv (pp. 225-253) [Quenstedt (tr. Matthew Carver), Atonement in Lutheran Perspective (Sydeny, MT: Synoptic Text, 2023), pp. 16-92]
11 Oct 2023: An introduction to Reformed scholasticism
Guilielmum Amesius, Medulla S. S. Theologiæ (Londini: Robertum Allottum, 1630) Liber Primus, Capp. I-VII (pp. 1-37) [Ames (tr. Eusden), The Marrow of Theology (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1997) pp. 77-100)]
Iohanne Wollebio, Christianae Theologiæ Compendium (Basilae: Ioh. Iac. Genathi, 1626) Præcognita et Lib. Primi Capp. I-IV (pp. 1-24) [John W. Beardslee III (ed. & tr.), Reformed Dogmatics (Grand Rapids: Baker, 1977) pp. 29-53)]
18 Oct 2023: Independent Learning Week – No seminar
25 Oct 2023: Reformed Christology
Petro van Mastricht, Theoloetico-Practica Theologia (ed. nov.) (Rhenum: Gerardum Muntendam, 1698) Tom. Prim. pp. 435-450[Petrus van Mastricht (tr. Rester), Theoretical-Practical Theology vol. 4 (Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2023) pp. 125-167]
1 Nov 2023: A scholastic Reformed account of satisfaction (Francisco Turrettino, trans. by Giger)
Francisco Turrettino, Institution Theologiæ Electicæ pars secunda (Genevae: Samuelem de Tournes, 1688) Locus Decimus Quartus: De Officio Christi Mediatorio (pp. 407-544) [Turretin (tr. Giger), Institutes of Elentic Theology vol. II (Philipsburg, NJ: P&R, 1997) pp. 375-499]
8 Nov 2023: Radical christology (Menno Simons, trans. by Verduin)
Menno Simons, Een Klare Onwederspreekelyke Bekenteniss en Aenwysinge… in Opera Omnia Theologica, Of Alle de Gogtgeleerde Wercken van Menno Symons (Amsterdam: Joannes van Veen, 1681) (fol. 355-382) [Menno, The Incarnation of our Lord in The Complete Writings of Menno Simons (tr. Leonard Verduin; ed. John Christian Wenger) (Scottsdale, PA: Herald Press, 1956) pp. 351-382]
15 Nov 2023: American Academy of Religion & SBL meetings – No seminar
22 Nov 2023: Radical ecclesiology (Margaret Fell/Fox, Katherine Chidley)
Margaret Fell/Fox, Women’s Speaking Justified (London: s.n., 1666) (whole text of brief pamphlet)
Candlemas 2023
This semester, the research seminar will begin with three sessions (following an afternoon introduction) discussing Prof. Judith Wolfe’s Hulsean Lectures, recently delivered at the University of Cambridge. Subsequent weeks will feature home and guest speakers, who will present their work and open it for discussion. The seminar will be held jointly with the Logos Institute.
The weekly seminar will take place as follows:
11.30-12.45pm Joint Theology & Logos Seminar in the St Mary’s SCR
Seminars will be in person and will not be live-streamed.
All are also warmly invited to some college-wide events taking place before and after the seminar:
11-11.20am Morning Prayer in St Mary’s College Hall (open to all who would like to attend)
1-1.45pm Bring-your-own lunch in the Senior Common Room (coffee, tea, water and biscuits provided)
If you are not on the Theology Research Seminar list or the Logos Seminar list, and would like to receive reminders and texts, please email the seminar assistant, Christian Kalmbach, at ck236.
Discussing the 2022 Hulsean Lectures: The Theological Imagination (with Prof Judith Wolfe)
Friday, 13 Jan 2023, 3.30pm: Judith Wolfe, Introducing the Hulsean Lectures (Lecture 1)
18 Jan 2023: Discussing Lecture 2 (responses by Euan Grant and Oliver O’Donovan)
25 Jan 2023: Discussing Lecture 3 (responses by Gavin Hopps and George Pattison)
1 Feb 2023: Discussing Lectures 4-5 (responses by Andrew Torrance and Trevor Hart)
Speaker Seminars
8 Feb 2023: Rev Dr Jared Michelson (Cornerstone Church)
15 Feb 2023: Dr Dafydd Daniel (St Andrews)
22 Feb 2023: Dr Lucy Peppiatt (Westminster Theological Centre)
1 Mar 2023: Spring break – no seminar
8 Mar 2023: Dr Matthew Puffer (Valparaiso University) “The Development of Augustine’s Doctrine of the Image of God”
15 Mar 2023: Dr N. Gray Sutanto (Reformed Theological Seminary, Washington, D.C.)
22 Mar 2023: Rev Dr Olli-Pekka Vainio (University of Helsinki) “The Problem of Certainty of Faith, or Why Christians Must be Fallibilists”
29 Mar 2023: Atonement Matters day conference on 31 Mar – no seminar this day
Martinmas 2022
“A Theological Turn:
Readings in Systematic Theology of the Late Twentieth Century”
In Martinmas 2022, the research seminar was held jointly with the Logos Institute, and took the form of a reading group on the work of a circle of theologians active in the 1990’s at the Research Institute for Systematic Theology (RIST) in London, which was founded by Christoph Schwöbel with Colin Gunton, and attended by many who later joined St Mary’s College, including Alan Torrance, John Webster, and Steve Holmes.
The turn towards systematic theology spearheaded by RIST therefore forms an important part of our own heritage, and important context for the work of Christoph Schwöbel, our late 1643 Chair in Divinity, for whom we are also holding a memorial conference at the European Academy of Religion conference in St Andrews on 22-23 June 2023.
The texts were taken from the following collections (exact chapters to be selected by chairs a week before each session):
Week 1 – 14 Sept: Introduction to the ‘systematic turn’ at RIST (Dr Steve Holmes)
Week 2 – 21 Sept: from Persons, Divine and Human (chaired by Euan Grant)
Week 3 – 28 Sept: from Trinitarian Theology Today (chaired by King-Ho Leung)
Week 4 – 5 Oct: from God and Freedom (chaired by Katrin Bosse)
Week 5 – 12 Oct: from The Doctrine of Creation (chaired by Oliver Crisp)
Week 6 – 19 Oct: no seminar for ILW
Week 7 – 26 Oct: from The Doctrine of God and Theological Ethics (chaired by Dafydd Daniel)
Week 8 – 2 Nov: from The Theology of Reconciliation [ebook] (chaired by Andrew Torrance)
Week 9 – 9 Nov: from Act and Being (chaired by King-Ho Leung)
Week 10 – 16 Nov: from The Person of Christ [ebook] (guest speaker: Maarten Wisse)
Week 11 – 23 Nov: no seminar for AAR/SBL
Theology / Logos Joint Seminars Candlemas Semester 2021/22: Guest speakers
January 2022
26- Prof. Oliver Crisp (St Andrews), “Meta-Theology”
February 2022
2- Prof. Judith Wolfe (St Andrews), “Towards an Eschatological Imagination”
9- Prof. Phil Ziegler (Aberdeen), “On the Present Possibility of Sola Scriptura”
16- Dr Euan Grant (St Andrews), “The Significance of the Natural Desire Debate”
23- Independent Learning Week (No Research Seminar)
March 2022
2- *Prof. Ingolf Dalferth (Claremont), “Finitude and Responsibility: The Challenge of Being Human in the Age of Technology”
9- *Dr King-Ho Leung (St Andrews), “In principio erat Verbum: Exchanging Word and Being”
16- *Prof. Paul Nimmo (Aberdeen), “The Alien Holiness of the Church”
23- Prof. Crina Gschwandtner (Fordham), “Distinguishing Ways of Living Religion: A Case for Phenomenology?”
30- *Prof. Tom McCall (Asbury), “Is Sin ‘The Cosmic Terrorist?’ Reconsidering Sin as Personal Agent”
April 2022
6- no seminar
13- *Prof. Thomas Schärtl (Munich), “Revelation and Encounter with God”
20- *Prof. Thomas Pfau (Duke), “Literature & Theology, 1700-present”
Theology Seminars Martinmas Semester 2021: John Calvin’s Theology
In Martinmas 2020/1, we read selections from John Calvin’s Institutes of the Christian Religion (1559), Book II.
29 – Introduction
13 – Original Sin: Chapter I and Why Humans Are Now Deprived of Freedom of the Will: Chapter II, sec. 1–9 (compare chs III and V)
20 – Independent Learning Week: no seminar
27 – How Humans Find Orientation: Chapter II, sec. 10–27 (compare ch. IV)
03 – Calvin’s Theology of the Law and the Relationship of the Old Testament and the New: Chapter VIII (Calvin’s interpretation of the Ten Commandments); Chapter X (Resemblance between OT and NT); Chapter XI (The Differences between the Two Testaments: Two Testaments – One Covenant?)
10 – The Incarnation of Christ and the Person of the Mediator: Chapter XII (Reasons for the Incarnation); Chapter XIII (True Humanity of Christ); Chapter XIV (How Two Natures Constitute the Person of the Mediator)
17 – The Work of the Mediator as the Threefold Office of Christ: Chapters XV and XVI
24 – Law, Gospel and Election — Is the Doctrine of Election a ‘Logic of Terror’ (K. Flasch) after all?: Book III, chapter XXI (Of the Eternal Election)
Theology Seminars Martinmas Semester 2020: Martin Luther’s Theology
Wednesday, 23rd September
Introduction to the Seminar: “Interpreting Luther’s Theology: Challenges, Controversies and Conversations” (Prof. Christoph Schwöbel)
Wednesday, 30th September
The Disputation against Scholastic Theology (1517)
Wednesday, 7th October
The Heidelberg Disputation (1518)
Wednesday, 14th October
The Disputation concerning Man (1536)
Wednesday, 21st Ocotober
On the Bondage of the Will (1525) (1): The Two Distinctions that make up the forma Christianismi
Wednesday, 28th October
Independent Learning Week – No seminar
Wednesday, 4th November
On the Bondage of the Will (2): God’s Prescience and Human Freedom
Wednesday, 11th November
On the Bondage of the Will (3): God’s Prescience and Human Freedom – What can we know now in the light of nature and grace, and what do we hope to know in the light of glory?
Wednesday, 18th November
The Large Catechism: Luther’s Explanation of the Third Article of the Creed – Threefold Divine Self-giving and the Life of Faith
Wednesday 25th November
Martin Luther and Jonathan Edwards – on Bondage of the Will and Free Will
The basic readings for the seminar will be made available as files on Microsoft Teams. It would be good, if members of staff or PGR students could offer brief introductions to the text and the topic of the respective seminar sessions on a hand-out that should present an overview of the text and perhaps questions and theses for interpretation.
Martinmas 2019
Summa Theologiae of Thomas Aquinas.
11.15-12.45 College Hall
18.09. Introduction: How to read the Summa? Varieties of ‘Thomism’ as different . readings of the Summa
25.09. Treatise on the Incarnation ST III 1-26 (Introduction: George Corbett)
02.10. Redemption and the Sacraments ST III 46-49; III 60-90, with emphasis on 60-65. (Introduction: Bill Hyland, Brendan Wolf)
09.10. On the One God ST I 2-3; 11-13. (Introduction: King-Ho Leung and Euan Grant)
16.10. On the Trinity ST I 27-23 (Introduction: CS)
23.10. Independent Learning Week: No seminar
30.10. On Creation ST I 44-49; 63-64, 65-74 (Introduction: Joanna Leidenhag)
06.11. On Man ST I 75-83; I-II 1-5, 9-17 (Introduction: Judith Wolfe)
13.11. On Law, Grace and the Virtues ST I-II 90,93-5; 107-8; 109-114; II-II 1-26; focus on I-II 133 a4, On justification. (Introduction: Katrin Bosse)
20.11. Theology and its Relation to Philosophy ST I 1
27.11. AAR: No seminar
Introductory literature:
Torrell, Jean Pierre, Aquinas’s Summa. Background, Structure & Reception (Washington: Catholic University of America Press, 2005).
McGinn, Bernard, Thomas Aquinas’s Summa theologiae. A Biography. (Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 2014)
Philip McCosker and Denys Turner (eds.), The Cambridge Companion to the Summa Theologiae (Cambridge: CUP, 2016)
Nicholas M. Healy, Thomas Aquinas. Theologian of the Christian Life (London/New York: Routledge 2017).
Martinmas is St Andrews’ autumn semester, Candlemas its spring semester.
Candlemas 2019
In the first part of the semester, we discussed encyclopaedic theology and systems of theological classification. This work will inform the development of the St Andrews Encyclopaedia of Theology.
30 – Prof. Christoph Schwöbel, ‘Encyclopaedic Theology in Germany since Schleiermacher’
6 – Bonaventure (William Hyland)
13 – Aquinas (Euan Grant)
20 – Luther (Christoph Schwöbel)
27 – Calvin (Steve Holmes)
6 – Dr. Gregory Lippiatt (University of East Anglia), ‘The French as defensores Ecclesie in the Thirteenth-Century Mediterranean’
13 – no seminar; colloquium on R.M. Rilke’s Duino Elegies and T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets
20 – Prof. Eilert Herms (Tübingen), ‘Revelation and Truth’
Spring break
3 – Dr Katrin König (Baden), ‘Anselm of Canterbury and Arabic Philosophers on the Trinity’
10 – Prof. Susanne Heine (Vienna), ‘Nature as a Religious Concept’
17 – Dr Christophe Chalamet (Geneva), ‘Theology and History (in Conversation with Karl Barth)’
24 – Prof. Gavin d’Costa (Bristol), ‘A disputed question in Catholic theology: mission to the Jewish people?’
Martinmas 2018
During the Martinmas Semester 2018/19, we read texts from Anselm of Canterbury. The seminar was convened by Prof. Christoph Schwöbel.
Candlemas Semester 2018
7 – Dr Louise Nelstrop, College Lecturer in Theology at St Benet’s Hall, University of Oxford: “The Monk of Farne: Deification in the Thought of A Forgotten English Mystic”
14 – Dr Oliver Langworthy, Associate Lecturer in Theology, University of St Andrews: “Theodoret of Cyrus’ Contribution to the Use of ‘Theologian’ as a Title in Late Antiquity”
21 – Prof. John Haldane, Baylor University and University of St Andrews: “Analytical Thomism”
28 – Rev Dr Gabrielle Thomas, Research Fellow at the Centre for Catholic Studies, Durham University: ”The Human Icon: Gregory of Nazianzus on Being a Divine Image“
7 – Dr Crystal Addey, Research Associate, University of Glasgow/Honorary Researcher, University of St Andrews: “Oracles of Fire: The Formation and Reception of the Chaldean Oracles”
14 – Prof Dr Ulrich Volp, Professor of Ecclesiastical History and History of Doctrine, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz: “Rhetoric, Steps of Mourning and the Intelligence of Emotions: Observations on 4th century funeral orations”
Spring Vacation
4 – Dr Rik van Nieuwenhove, Assistant Professor of Medieval Thought, Durham University: “Thomas Aquinas on contemplation and the theological virtues”
11 – Prof Jan-Olav Henriksen, Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy of Religion, Norwegian School of Theology: “Three perspectives on Resurrection: Revelation, Experience, Recognition”
18 – Dr Simon Burton, John Laing Senior Lecturer in Reformation History, University of Edinburgh: “Realism in Fifteenth-Century Reform: The Case of Heimeric de Campo and Nicholas of Cusa”
Martinmas 2017
Reading texts from the Reformation
Candlemas 2017
1 – Dr Alistair McFadyen, Lecturer in Theology, University of Leeds: ‘On Having Enemies: Terror, Torture, Theology & Policing’
8 – Prof Lewis Ayers, Prof of Catholic and Historical Theology, Durham University: ‘…Totius Traditionis Mirabile Sacramentum: A Theology of Tradition in the Light of Dei Verbum‘
15 – Dr Brandon Gallaher, Lecturer in Theology, University of Exeter: ‘The Word, the Words and the Trinity: A Preliminary Exploration of the Relationship of Eastern Orthodoxy to World Religions’
22 – Prof David Clough, Prof of Theology, University of Chester: ‘Consuming Animal Creatures- The Ethics of Eating Animals’
1 – Dr Justin Stratis, Lecturer in Theology, Trinity College, Bristol: ‘Modern English Trinitarianism and the Turn to the Social – Exploring the Welch Thesis’
8 – Dr Joan O’Donovan, Lecturer in Theology, University of Edinburgh: ‘A Reformation Contribution to an Evangelical Theology of Law and Freedom’
Spring Vacation
29 – Dr Simeon Zahl, Lecturer in Systematic Theology, Nottingham: ‘Is There a Protestant Metaphysics? Luther’s Use/Substance Distinction and the Nature of the Theological Task’
5 – Dr Andrew Moore, Lecturer in Theology, Regents Park College, Oxford University: ‘Why Theology has (Virtually) Nothing to Learn from Science’
12 – Dr Tasia Scrutton, Associate Prof in Philosophy of Religion, University of Leeds: ‘Religion and Mental Health: Christians, Depression, and Demonic Possession’
Martinmas 2016
14 Sept. “Introduction to John Webster” Dr Darren Sarisky, Wycliffe College, Oxford
21 Sept. “Theological Theology” in Confessing God, pp. 11-32; “Article Review: Self and Salvation by David Ford”, Scottish Journal of Theology, 548-559. (Discussion led by Dr Steve Holmes)
28 Sept. “Christ, Church and Reconciliation” and “Eschatology and Anthropology” in Word and Church, pp. 211-230, 263-286. (Discussion led by Carsten Card-Hyatt)
5 Oct. “Principles of Systematic Theology” in Domain of the Word, pp. 133-149; “What Makes Theology Theological?” in God Without Measure, vol. 1, pp. 213-224. (Discussion led by Jared Michelson)
12 Oct. “Biblical Reasoning” in Domain of the Word, pp. 115-132; “Hermeneutics in Modern Theology: Some Doctrinal Reflections” in Word and Church, pp. 47-86. (Discussion led by Rebekah Earnshaw)
19 Oct. Reading Week
26 Oct. Paper by Prof Oliver O’Donovan, University of Edinburgh
2 Nov. “Life in and of Himself” and “Trinity and Creation” in God Without Measure, vol. 1, pp. 13-28, 83-98. (Discussion led by Dr Timothy Baylor)
9 Nov. “Love is Also a Lover of Life: Creatio Ex Nihilo and Creaturely Goodness” and “Non Ex Aequo: God’s Relation to Creatures” in God without Measure, vol. 1, pp. 99-126. (Discussion led by Alden McCray)
16 Nov. “Theology of the Intellectual Life” in God Without Measure, vol. 2, pp. 141-156; “Curiosity” in Domain of the Word, pp. 193-202. (Discussion led by Julian Gutiérrez)
23 Nov. Group Discussion
Candlemas 2016
Katherine Sonderegger, Systematic Theology, vol. 1
Martinmas 2015
28 January 2015 – Christopher Holmes (Otago), “The Immanent Life of God and the Atonement”
04 February 2015 – Martin Westerholm (St Andrews), “On the Christological Determination of Augustine’s Theology of Love”
11 February 2015 – John Perry (St Andrews), “Putting Hell First: Cruelty and the Missing Moral Theory of Damnation”
18 February 2015 – James Eglington (Edinburgh), “The Dutch Nietzsche: Kuyper and Bavinck on Multatuli”
25 February 2015 – Tommy Kidd (Baylor), “George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards, and the Debate over the Holy Spirit in the Eighteenth-Century Revivals”
04 March 2015 – Dr Simeon Zahl (Oxford), “The Bondage of the Affections in Luther’s Early Theology: Historical and Contemporary Implications”
11 March 2015 – Dr Simon Oliver (Nottingham), “Teleology and the Doctrine of Creation”
01 April 2015 – Rachel Muers (Leeds), “Testimony and Quaker ethics”
08 April 2015 – Rosalee Veloso-Ewell (WEA), title tbc
15 April 2015 – Prof. Paul Lodge (Oxford), Leibniz’s theodicy
22 April 2015 – Prof. Joel Rasmussen (Oxford), “Metaphysical Transformations in the 19th Century”
29 April 2015 – Mike Higton (Durham), title tbc
Martinmas 2014
Reading Albrecht Ritschl, The Doctrine of Reconciliation
Candlemas 2013
6th February 2013 ‘Kendall Soulen’s “The Divine Name(s) and the Holy Trinity”‘, Ian McPherson
13th February 2013 ‘Theology and practice in Particular Baptist churches in the Civil War period’, Ian Birch
20th February 2013 ‘Karl Barth and a theology of religions’, Sven Ensminger
27th February 2013 ‘Finding your place in the story of God: which story, which place? A biblical-theological investigation of the covenants’, Hans Burger
6th March 2013 ‘Reclaiming the Priesthood of Christ: implications and challenges’, Prof. Alan Torrance
13th March 2013 ‘The Implications of an Edwardsean Spirit Christology’, Christi Larsen
3rd April 2013 ‘Clement of Alexandria and the Orthodox Gnostic Tradition’, Daniel Worden
10th April 2013 No meeting (SST conference in Nottingham)
17th April 2013 Prof. Ivor Davidson
24th April 2013 Rachel Muers
Martinmas 2012
6th September 2012 Mini-ethics conference: 12.30 lecture then 3pm lecture: Professors Paul Martens (Baylor) and Gerald McKenny (Notre Dame)(Further info will be circulated)
12th September 2012 Professor Atsuyoshi Fujiwara (Seigakuin University, Japan): “Theology of Culture in Post-Disaster Japan”
19th September 2012 No meeting
26th September Ryan Mullins: ‘Four-Dimensionalism and Christian Belief’
Monday 1st October 2012 Two presentations: 11.15 and 3pm: Professor Michael Banner, University of Cambridge
10th October 2012 Travis Buchanan:‘The Presence of the Higher in the Lower’: The Broad Sacramentality of C. S. Lewis’s Concept of ‘Transposition’. Andrew Kaethler: ‘Truth as Freedom or Gratitude as Freedom: Joseph Ratzinger and Alexander Schmemann in Dialogue’
17th October 2012 Andrew Hay: ‘A Trinitarian Dogmatics of Light’
24th October 2012 Dr Stephen Holmes: ‘Christian Marriage: creation ordinance or counter-cultural asceticism?’
31st October 2012 Sam Adams: title tbc
7th November 2012 Prof. Alan Torrance: title tbc
14th November 2012 No meeting due to AAR and associated events
21st November 2012 Dr N.E. Lombardo, Catholic University
28th November 2012 Christopher Brewer: “Exploring the Possibility of an Imaginative Natural Theology”
Martinmas 2011
5th October 2011 – Discussion of Kierkegaard: Philosophical Fragments (Andrew Hay)
12th Octpber 2011 – Discussion of Kierkegaard: Philosophical Fragments (Christi Larsen)
19th October 2011 – Professor Gijsbert van den Brink
26th October 2011 – Professor Ann Loades
2nd November 2011 – Shawn Bawulski and David Sonju
9th November 2011 – READING WEEK – NO SEMINAR
16th November 2011 – Ryan Mullins
23rd November 2011 – SBL – NO SEMINAR
30th November 2011 – Jon Mackenzie
7th December 2011 – Loejoo Tan “The Trinity and the Religions: An Assessment of Gavin D’Costa’s Trinitarian Theology of Religions with particular reference to Basilian Trinitarianism”
14th December 2011- Dr Stephen Holmes
Candlemas 2011
16th Feb – Ryan Mullins: “Divine Perfection and Creation”
2nd March – Steve Duby: “Classical Theism and Christian Particularity”
9th March – Jason Sexton: “The Imago Dei Once Again: Stanley Grenz’s Journey Toward a Theological Interpretation of Gen 1:26-27.”
11th March (Friday) – 2.30pm: Special Lecture by Professor Paul Molnar of St John’s Seminary, New York, entitled, “The Obedience of the Son in the Theology of Thomas F. Torrance and of Karl Barth”
16th March – SST short papers: Shawn Bawulski & Christina Larsen
23rd March – Dr Edward Oakes (Mundelein seminary): ‘Hans Urs von Balthasar and the question of Universal Salvation.’
30th March – EASTER BREAK
20th April – Dr Mark Elliott: “Reconsiderations of Barth’s Ecclesiology.”
27th April – Toby Karlowicz: “E.B. Pusey, the Allegorical Interpretation of Scripture, and its relationship to Theology”
11th May – Andrew Hay: “The Afterlife of the Bible”
Martinmas 2010
6th October Professor Christoph Schwoebel, University of Tübingen, Germany
20th October Professor Fergus Kerr
3rd November Dr Jake Andrews
17th Nov Professor Ann Loades CBE
1st December Dr Mark Elliott
15th Dec Professor Markus Bockmuehl