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Wade Bellesbach

PhD Candidate


BA, Theology, Concordia University
MDiv, Systematic Theology, Concordia Theological Seminary
MLitt, Theology and the Arts, University of St Andrews

Research Interests:
Wade’s research focuses on the intersection of theology and the arts in the Lutheran tradition. He is particularly interested the relationship of the category of vocation to concepts of artistic inspiration and identity, especially examining how theology might provide frameworks for understanding and interpreting the role of the arts, creativity, and culture. His work draws on the thought of Martin Luther, Johann Georg Hamann, Thomas Mann, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Christoph Schwöbel, and Oswald Bayer. His previous research has examined a Lutheran understanding of natural theology through Lutheranism’s long and productive relationship with music. Wade is also interested in liturgical theology, especially examining how the liturgy is constitutive of theology itself, and relating this area of study and practice to such philosophical topics as work, vocation, attention, and personhood.

Contact us

School of Divinity
St Mary's College
St Andrews
KY16 9JU
Fife, Scotland, UK

Phone:+44 (0)1334 462850