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Cameron Crickenberger

PhD Candidate

Hometown: Myrtle Beach, SC, USA


BA, Bible and Greek, Columbia International University
MDiv, Bethlehem College & Seminary
ThM, Doctrinal Theology, Regent College

Research Interests:

Cameron’s research focuses on how Christian theology understands and coordinates the relationship between God’s trinitarian life and his saving acts in created history. Currently, Cameron is exploring the way in which theology relates God’s will and God’s being and the effect this has on Christology and the Creator-creature distinction through a constructive interaction with Thomas Aquinas and several twentieth-century theologians. His interests more broadly include the doctrine of God, theological exegesis, Christology, and the relationship between the modern theological enterprise and the ecclesial body.

Contact us

School of Divinity
St Mary's College
St Andrews
KY16 9JU
Fife, Scotland, UK

Phone:+44 (0)1334 462850