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Search by author: lance


The theologians, You and I

By Dr. Oliver Langworthy, Associate Lecturer in Patristics, St. Mary’s ____________________________ I recently published on the subject of how Gregory Nazianzus received the title of the Theologian. The article was…

The Theological Task Before Us

By Oliver D. Crisp, Professor of Analytic Theology, St. Mary’s College  Theology is a way of life. That sounds like a platitude, or a cliché. Perhaps it is. Nevertheless, it is true. Theology is sometimes characterized…

The Case of Iconoclasm

By Dr. Natalie Carnes, Associate Professor of Theology at Baylor University, currently visiting St. Andrews under the “Baylor at St. Andrews” program. She is the author of Image and Presence and Beauty Though the term…

Oliver Crisp Appointed as Professor of Analytic Theology

The School of Divinity has announced the appointment of Professor Oliver Crisp to its newly established Chair in Analytic Theology. Prof. Crisp will take up his appointment on 1 September 2019. He will be a key member…

An Interview with Professor Christoph Schwöbel

Professor Christoph Schwöbel, the 1643 Chair of Divinity, joined St. Mary’s this fall from the University of Tübingen. Below he offers thorough answers to questions pertaining to his position at St. Andrews, his plans…

Judith Wolfe on BBC4 program ‘In Our Time’

Judith Wolfe, St. Mary’s Professor of Philosophical Theology, spoke on Melvyn Bragg’s program In Our Time on the philosophy of hope. To the ancient Greeks, hope was closer to self-deception, one of the evils left in…

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St Mary's College
St Andrews
KY16 9JU
Fife, Scotland, UK

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